Torrent Microsoft Office 2010 Proofing Tools
Jan 22, 2012. Microsoft Office 2010 language packs enable people to convert the display language of Microsoft Office 2010 to the language of their choice. The language packs also feature other changes like the help and support system, proofing tools etc. Download Office 2010 language packs from direct download.
LINK: (Doesn`t work. Brad Best Friends Rar here. But there is a pirate bay link that contains some of those language packs) PirateBay Link: WARNING~ I`s a HUGE file so CHOOSE only YOUR language of choice and DON`T DOWNLOAD the WHOLE package! It`s a MASSIVE download! Cypress At2lp Rc42 Software Store there. (15.67gb`s) when a language pack is at 1.3gb`s in average. Here is the Microsoft OFFICE 2010 link (The actuall software not the langauge pack!): Here is some other links: Here is a link for the Office 2007 language pack: Here is a link for the English language pack for Office 2010(32 bit system): Here is a link for the English language pack for Office 2010(64 bit system).